QR Code Support

TSD RENTAL.NET now converts car rental agreement information for use as a QR code, allowing rental customers to access rental agreement details quickly and easily from scan-enabled mobile devices. Identifying data combinations, such as rental agreement and license number, ensure a unique code and web address for each contract.

Additional Enhancements for Multiple Currencies

TSD has expanded its integration of currency conversion in the latest version of TSD RENTAL.NET to broaden reporting capabilities and offer greater control over cash payments in alternate (or “foreign”) currencies. Each location can decide which foreign currencies will be accepted for cash payments; all payment amounts remain traceable back to the original currency presented.

Also, when reports are run for multiple locations with different currencies, all amounts, including payment and financial data, can be converted to the system currency to facilitate comparisons between locations.

For more information on TSD, go to www.tsdweb.com or call 1-800-743-1200.

Read more articles from ARN's November/December magazine issue here.