By choosing RemarketingAdvantage, customers have cash in hand within a week with the added...

By choosing RemarketingAdvantage, customers have cash in hand within a week with the added benefit of immediate billing credits.

File photo: Donlen

Donlen, a fleet management company, recently launched its RemarketingAdvantage new vehicle remarketing program, which offers customers the opportunity to sell fleet vehicles quickly and efficiently to Donlen, according to a press release.

With traditional remarketing auction channels, vehicle sales take an average of 28–30 days to sell in addition to a turn-around time for sales proceeds. By choosing RemarketingAdvantage™, customers have cash in hand within a week with the added benefit of immediate billing credits. Because Donlen takes care of the titling and transportation, the process eliminates hassles.

Khalid Latif, Donlen’s senior vice president of operation and supply chain, said, “This past year has been a tough economic year for organizations across the world and we’re pleased to offer a program that provides cash flow to our customers.” Anna Stanke, Donlen’s vehicle remarketing process manager, adds, “Donlen assumes the risk with each vehicle sale, which makes the process even more valuable to our customers.”

Remarketing is one of Donlen’s four core areas of fleet management in addition to acquisitions, on-road management, and analysis and reporting, all of which focus on cost savings and efficiency.


Originally posted on Vehicle Remarketing

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