On May 9, Seoul’s government implemented an electric vehicle sharing program by providing 184 Kia Ray EVs and 212 battery charging stations within the city, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal’s Korea Real Time blog.

“Car sharing will ease traffic congestion and environmental pollution given that vehicles are responsible for 58% of air pollutants,” Lee No-seong, deputy director of the Seoul government’s green transportation policy team, told Korea Real Time.

After registering for the electric program, drivers can book a Kia Ray EV online for $5 per hour and then pick up the vehicle at specific lots across the city. According to the Korea Real Time report, rental rates include insurance charges and battery charging is free.

Because of high prices and a shortage of charging stations, this program gives Seoul drivers better access to all-electric vehicles, Lee told Korea Real Time.

More electric vehicle options will most likely occur in the next few years, according to the report.

Click here for the full Korea Real Time article: http://blogs.wsj.com/korearealtime/2013/05/28/seoul-rolls-out-electric-cars/?KEYWORDS=cars