Car rental operators in Central America, South America and the Caribbean are invited to an exclusive meeting at the 2014 Car Rental Show in Las Vegas. Titled “Growing Your Car Rental Business in Latin America,” this seminar block will answer questions on the specific challenges that Latin American operators face in car rental.

Click here for Spanish.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday April 9, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It will be presented in Spanish and English with translators on hand.

Seminar topics include steps to make your business attractive to new funding sources and new investors, ways to market your company for both business-to-business and retail, how to manage operations with a high growth rate and demonstrations of the latest technology tools. To see the full agenda with session information, click here.

This meeting is included at no extra charge to Latin American car rental operators who are registered for the Car Rental Show. Click here to register online.