Enterprise Holdings has announced its new program “Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” (ACDBE) to help U.S. suppliers meet their supplier requirements.
Many U.S. airport authorities — along with the Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration (DOT/FAA) — require significant goods and services to be purchased from ACDBE-certified suppliers.
Each U.S. airport is required to demonstrate its efforts toward meeting the federal government’s ACDBE goals, and all concessionaires — including Enterprise Holdings’ regional subsidiaries that do business at local airports — are required to report their efforts to each airport, says Enterprise.
“We have developed a new program to help current women- and minority-owned suppliers become ACDBE certified,” said Sean Fitzgerald, vice president of airport properties and relations. “And we are encouraging them to become certified not only because it will further strengthen their relationship with our Alamo, Enterprise and National operations, but it also may provide additional opportunities for them to do business with other airport concessionaires.”
Enterprise’s new ACDBE Certification Assistance Program offers existing M/W/DBE suppliers a third-party consultant to assist with the process in their home state and in other states. The program is available to more than 3,000 suppliers who currently conduct business with Enterprise’s regional U.S. subsidiaries.
For more information about Enterprise’s Supplier Diversity Program, visit www.enterpriseholdings.com/sustainability/supplier-diversity.
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