A CollegeGrad.com survey has named Enterprise Rent-A-Car as the No. 1 Entry-Level Employer. With 8,900 projected entry-level hires for 2016, Enterprise Rent-A-Car is predicting an overall increase in their 2016 entry-level hiring.
“Our promote-from-within culture is a driving force behind our need to recruit so many innovative, college-educated individuals each year to feed our growth,” said Marie Artim, vice president of talent acquisition at Enterprise Holdings. “This year we anticipate hiring nearly 9,000 college graduates into our Management Training program, representing a 5% increase in our hiring over last year. We also will hire 2,000 interns into our Management Internship program — which helps to feed that pipeline for future leaders.”
Entry-level employers are predicting an overall increase in hiring of 2.3% in 2016, according to CollegeGrad.com.
CollegeGrad.com’s Top Entry Level Employers list represents more than 125,000 entry-level jobs for the graduating class of 2016 and is available online at CollegeGrad.com/topemployers. It details the 2016 entry-level hiring plans for more than 400 employers and includes links to entry-level and internship job postings for each employer.
The list includes many top entry-level employers from previous years, such as insurance companies Liberty Mutual and Cigna, tech giants Amazon, HP, and EMC, and accounting firms EY and KPMG.
“Entry-level hiring continues to increase beyond the record hiring numbers of recent years,” said Brian Krueger, CEO of CollegeGrad.com. “Entry-level hiring tends to be highly cyclical. When the economy is up, entry-level hiring is way up, as it has been the last two years.”
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