Zoomcar, an India-based self-driving car rental service, has named Rajesh Bysani as its chief product officer, according to a report by Economic Times.
Zoomcar is hoping to use Bysani’s experience to increase product innovation and expand into new markets, says the report. Bysani served as the assistant vice president for product and growth at FreeCharge.
“Rajesh comes with best-in-class product and technology leadership experience, global experience, and an entrepreneurial mind-set,” Greg Moran, CEO and co-founder of Zoomcar, told the Economic Times. “This is a unique mix and one that blends seamlessly with the work environment and culture at Zoomcar.”
This appointment comes after Zoomcar closed a $24 million Series B round of funding, which was led by Ford Smart Mobility LLC, a subsidiary of Ford Motor Co., according to the report. The funding will help Zoomcar reach a fleet size of over 25,000 across 25 cities in India by 2018.
Click here for the full Economic Times report.
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