The Tennant Group and Rate-Highway are now offering a weekly rate subscription service for the auto rental industry. The most recent brand, nationwide, regional, and top 50 airport rate survey results will now be provided to subscribers every week for a moderate fee.

Jim Tennant of The Tennant Group writes a monthly column on car rental industry rates for Auto Rental News. He uses data from weekly rate surveys conducted by Rate-Highway, a provider of revenue management services for the auto rental industry.

According to Tennant, he frequently receives inquiries and requests for more detail from financial analysts and others who follow the rental industry more closely. Recently, he has been asked to provide more frequent looks at the auto rental industry rate environment.

“The industry has been subject to considerable turmoil recently, and industry followers are watching all aspects more closely than ever,” said Tennant. “We are now able to provide a more detailed and more frequent look at rate trends with this service.”

Auto Rental News will continue to publish the monthly column on car rental industry rates.

Click here for a description of the rate subscriber service.