Photo by Joanne M. Tucker Global Fuel Recycling CEO Jerry McGuffin (right) and Vice President Dick Janicki at the 2012 Car Rental Show in Las Vegas.

Photo by Joanne M. Tucker
Global Fuel Recycling CEO Jerry McGuffin (right) and Vice President Dick Janicki at the 2012 Car Rental Show in Las Vegas.

Global Fuel Recycling’s environmentally responsible Fuel Recovery Method patent was issued under the Green Technology Pilot Program on April 24. This new method quickly and easily connects directly to the car’s fuel rail, which maintains a closed system with no chance of releasing harmful fumes.

Using its patented Defueling Key technology by simply plugging into the OBDII port found under the dash, Global Fuel Recycling’s software communicates with the car’s onboard computer to run the fuel pump until the fuel level reaches a preset level and then shuts the fuel pump off. The entire process is completed in less than 10 minutes without the engine running and without any harmful emissions.

As a revolutionary step in managing fuel recovery, the Defueling Key technology transmits valuable data via cellular transmission back to the customer’s Defueling Dashboard that is easily accessed by logging onto any computer or smart device. This real-time data is used by operators to manage and track their fuel recovery efforts by logging the VIN, date, time, location and exact amount of fuel recovered from each vehicle.

“With the price of gas continuing to increase, fuel recovery has become a significant area of savings for numerous industries to recapture their costly fuel,” says Global Fuel Recycling CEO Jerry McGuffin. “Global Fuel Recycling enables fleet owners and operators to use this innovative system to responsibly add valuable profits to their bottom line.”

Many of the processes currently used in defueling allow for significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions, the company says. The most common siphoning method allows for harmful gas fumes to be released while the lengthy process is performed. Other methods require the car’s engine to run while diverting only a portion of the fuel into the recovery tanks.

Tucson, Ariz.-based Global Fuel Recycling is fuel recovery technology company, providing the equipment, training and scientific know-how to safely and efficiently recover fuel before transferring ownership of vehicles.

More information on Global Fuel Recycling can be found at or by calling (520) 308-4410.

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