The pilot program concluded with public hearings where more than 160 people voiced “significant...

The pilot program concluded with public hearings where more than 160 people voiced “significant support and interest” in expanding ride-hailing services’ operational areas.

Photo via Hakilon/Wikimedia. 

Following a successful pilot program, Uber and Lyft will be allowed to pick-up and drop-off customers at Honolulu’s Daniel K. Inouye International Airport later this month, Hawaii News Now reports.

The pilot program concluded with public hearings where more than 160 people voiced “significant support and interest” in expanding ride-hailing services’ operational areas.

To operate at the airport, ride-hailing services must be licensed by the Public Utilities Commission and receive another permit from the state. Approved ride-hailing groups can begin picking up and dropping off passengers at the airport Aug. 25.

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