Despite having expanded to three locations, the company remains family-owned and operates and...

Despite having expanded to three locations, the company remains family-owned and operates and maintains its emphasis on personal service.

Photo courtesy of State Van Rental.

State Van Rental, which specializes in passenger and cargo van rentals for families, sports teams, churches, business groups and travelers alike, announced  that the company is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. 

Established in 2009, State Van Rental started out on a much smaller scale than the one which it operates today. Despite having expanded to three locations, the company remains family-owned and operates and maintains its emphasis on personal service. Its branches in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco location are situated within two miles of a major local airport. Free pick-up and drop-off services are made available to clients as are vehicle delivery and optional toll-lane passes, GPS and wi-fi hotspots.

State Van Rental will celebrate its tenth anniversary with the local chamber of commerce at its Las Vegas location tomorrow, followed by a commemoration event at its San Francisco venue on May 7. The celebration will then conclude at the company's Los Angeles Van Rental Office on May 14. Refreshments will be served during each event with special program sign-up rates being made available to new corporate clients.

Five percent of the proceeds from each new corporate sign up during these celebrations will be donated to Covenant House. This charity is the largest privately funded organization in the United States. Covenant House provides a wide range of services for homeless and endangered youth, including food, shelter, and crisis care to name a few.

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