With the Smart Summons feature, Tesla owners can request their vehicle to drive itself their...

With the Smart Summons feature, Tesla owners can request their vehicle to drive itself their location based off their phone's GPS.

Photo via Despositphotos.

As part of its latest software update, Tesla introduced a Smart Summon feature that allows owners to remotely summon their vehicles. However, according to The Drive, some users have had their vehicles involved in collisions while summoning them.

With the Smart Summons feature, Tesla owners can request their vehicle to drive itself their location based off their phone's GPS. Users can also select a location on the map, and the vehicle's software will direct it to the pinpointed location.

However, some owners have taken to social media after the Smart Summon feature resulted in an accident.

One user's Tesla was backed into by another car; another user's social media post shows a Tesla narrowly avoiding a collision with a different car in parking lot.

Tesla has previously said that the Smart Summon feature is intended for private parking lots and driveways.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet