KITCHENER, ONTARIO, Canada -- Sid Kenmir, founder and CEO of Associated Canadian Car Rental Operators Rental Systems Inc. (ACCRO Services), announced the appointment of Bill McNeice as president of the industry group.

McNeice joins ACCRO Services after a 30-year career with Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Canada Inc. Most recently, McNeice served as executive vice president for DTAG Canada Inc.

ACCRO Services was established more than 20 years ago. The organization plays a key role in Ontario rental industry lobbying efforts.

"Currently, we are lobbying the province for changes to the Highway Traffic Act to help reduce insurance liability claims," Kenmir said. "This is a join effort with the Canadian Finance and Leasing Association, Ontario Dealers Association and the OEMs. If successful, it should help reduce fleet insurance costs, and the benefits could spill over into other provinces."

For more information about ACCRO, visit the group's Web site at