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What we do: MarginFuel provides intelligent price optimisation software that empowers rental vehicle operators to build profitable pricing strategies, on average delivering 6% - 10% revenue gains year on year. Advanced forecasting and AI technology delivered in a seamless, easy-to-use interface that provides you with a competitive edge. MarginFuel is not a ‘race to the bottom’ automated approach to pricing, but empowering our customers with the ability to anticipate where the market is going, so you can react faster than your competitors and make the smart plays. MarginFuel’s solutions are backed with an expert team, which includes data scientists recognised for their machine learning and AI expertise. These world class experts have successfully managed pricing programmes at Tier 1, mid-size and high growth smaller operators; racking up over 500,000 hours of predictive modelling and price optimisation experience from across the tourism industry, including rental vehicle operators. This deep experience is baked into the MarginFuel product suite. Our technology infrastructure handles data at scale making millions of forecasts and price recommendations daily across our customer network. We are also extending into providers offering MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service), providing predictive modelling, fleet flow optimisation and dynamic pricing capability. START A FREE TRIAL