Citybee is not available in the capital city of Tallinn yet, because of ongoing issues with the...

Citybee is not available in the capital city of Tallinn yet, because of ongoing issues with the local government.


Photo via M.Maselli/Flickr.

Carsharing app Citybee has doubled its fleet in Estonia, adding 150 vehicles, ERR reports.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 active users in Estonia, requiring the company to source cars from other countries, such as Lithuania. Customers can choose from 13 different types of vehicles, including Fiat 500s, Peugeot 308s, Toyota Corollas, Nissan Qashqais and Soviet-era Ladas.

Citybee says that men in the 31-55 age bracket are the most active users in Estonia. In neighboring Latvia and Lithuania, the majority of users are younger people.

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