Photo courtesy of Zipcar.

Photo courtesy of Zipcar.

Zipcar has launched its carsharing service in Istanbul, Zipcar’s sixth European city. And with Istanbul straddling Europe and Asia, this launch represents Zipcar’s first footstep into Asia.

Zipcar Turkey will be operated by Otokoç Otomotiv, a unit of Koç Holding. This partnership is Zipcar’s first licensee, according to the company.

" … We are delighted to be able to provide an alternative mobility solution to residents in Istanbul and to play our part in helping to reduce congestion in the city,” said Massimo Marsili, president, Zipcar International. “Our service is environmentally friendly, complementary to public transportation and ideal for a new generation of smart consumers who are looking for goods and services that are available on demand."

This launch is another step in Zipcar's international expansion, which currently operates in the United Kingdom, Spain, France and Austria. According to Zipcar, Istanbul is Zipcar's third new European market in seven months.

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"Today's launch of Zipcar in Istanbul represents an exciting opportunity for us to meet the needs of the city dweller by providing a convenient and flexible mobility solution that saves money, reduces hassle and improves urban living,” said Inan Ekici, assistant general manager at Otokoç. “… We are excited to be launching our first wave of locations across the city today and look forward to providing Zipcar's existing member base with access to Zipcars when they travel to the city."