Prior to joining Sixt in 2017, Florence spent 18 years in various leadership roles with Dollar...

Prior to joining Sixt in 2017, Florence spent 18 years in various leadership roles with Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group in the U.S.

Photo courtesy of Sixt. 

The American Car Rental Association (ACRA) named Daniel Florence, chief operating officer of Sixt USA, to ACRA’s board of directors, effective immediately. 

The announcement follows ACRA’s annual legislative conference in Washington, D.C., where ACRA members, including Florence, met with senators and their legislative staff to discuss key topics affecting the car rental industry, including vehicle data access, vehicular terrorism, and ending rental car taxes.

“We are delighted to have Daniel join our board,” Sharon Faulkner, executive director of ACRA, said in a statement. “Having his experience and leadership skills on our board will be invaluable as we face the very real issues confronting our membership today, and seek, as always, to encourage responsible legislative solutions.”

Prior to joining Sixt in 2017, Florence spent 18 years in various leadership roles with Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group in the U.S., eventually rising to become aea director. In 2014, he was appointed vice president of airport operations for Hertz Car Rental. Florence was then tapped by Car2Go to serve as chief operating officer for the United States.

Florence earned both a Bachelor of Science degree in business management and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, Ariz.; he also received a certificate in executive management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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