To date, Carwiz has successfully achieved a franchise network placement on the markets of...

To date, Carwiz has successfully achieved a franchise network placement on the markets of Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Cyprus, Morocco, Turkey, Serbia, and Albania.

Photo via Carwiz.

Following the sale of its franchise business to international markets, Carwiz is expanding its brand to the Caribbean island of St. Maarten.

Over the past few years, the Caribbean has recorded over 30 million visitors annually, according to the rental car company. 

With guest visiting mostly from the U.S., Canada, and Europe, and with on-destination spending growing at an average of 3% a year, Carwiz executives believe the company will be successful on the island.

To date, Carwiz has successfully achieved a franchise network placement on the markets of Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Cyprus, Morocco, Turkey, Serbia, and Albania. Carwiz management is currently conducting franchise negotiations with 20 car rental companies from around the world, including the markets of Vietnam, Brazil, Russia, Malaysia, Malta, Portugal, and Spain.

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