The OpenTravel Alliance (OTA) will participate in the global celebration of World Tourism Day on September 27, 2006 in partnership with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a specialized agency of the United Nations.

Countries and travel organizations worldwide will mark the day to increase awareness of the importance of travel to the world’s economic and cultural health. “Tourism Enriches” is the central theme of the day, and it highlights the impact of travel and tourism on all aspects of culture.

The OTA and UNWTO joined forces earlier this year to strengthen the common language for electronic travel interactions around the world. Together they will seek to involve an increasing number of stakeholders and to extend the scope of the existing XML standards.

According to the UNWTO, international travel and tourism is the worlds largest export earner, and employs millions of people around the world. Monies generated help fund new infrastructure and technologies, and provides governments with hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues every year.

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