In addition to the one-count wipes, Enterprise is teaming up with Clorox to look at ways to...

In addition to the one-count wipes, Enterprise is teaming up with Clorox to look at ways to incorporate other products into its safety and car cleaning practices and test new technologies throughout its rental operations over the long term.

Photo via Pxhere.

Enterprise Holdings has partnered with Clorox to implement near- and long-term enhancements to its cleaning procedures. The collaboration reinforces the company’s Complete Clean Pledge to help customers feel confident as they begin to travel again.

To kick off the initiative, Enterprise Holdings will begin providing a one-count Clorox Disinfecting Wipe in every vehicle rented through its brands. The distribution of the Clorox Disinfecting Wipes marks an industry-first in car rental. The effort is rolling out throughout the southeast United States in November. After the first of the year, it will expand to locations throughout the rest of the U.S. and Canada, as well as to the Enterprise Truck Rental and Enterprise Car Sales businesses.

The Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are approved by the EPA to kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, when used as directed. Each wipe includes directions for use and is accompanied by instructions to use it on the vehicle’s high-touch, hard nonporous surfaces.

In addition to the one-count wipes, Enterprise is teaming up with Clorox to look at ways to incorporate other products into its safety and car cleaning practices and test new technologies throughout its rental operations over the long term.

Enterprise Holdings’ Complete Clean Pledge is a long-term commitment to industry-leading health and safety practices throughout all of its operations.

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