How can you develop the leadership ability of your car rental team? Overcoming adversity and fostering personal growth are key themes to help build your company’s leadership potential.
Titled “Elevating and Accelerating Your Leadership Culture,” this International Car Rental Show seminar features a panel that will discuss how car rental companies can support their team members to overcome self-limiting beliefs, create trust, and build teamwork.
By sharing first-hand experiences, panelists will reveal strategies to increase employee engagement, enable high-performance execution, empower decision making, and instill positive accountability throughout an organization.
The diverse panel consists of Jim Wilcox, founder and president of Wilcox Associates; Rick Eddy, vice president of operations at GSP Transportation; and Sharky Laguana, CEO of Bandago Van Rental. Chris Craft, president & COO Specialty Finance Group, 1st Source Bank, will moderate the panel session.
ICRS will also feature a seminar that looks at the psychology behind successful leaders, including how they actively create inclusive working environments.
This seminar titled “What Makes a Great Leader?” will explore why inclusivity is the foundation of business success by investigating how great leaders maximize employee engagement, productivity, and effectiveness through three main steps – where they create, advance, and represent a shared sense of identity and belonging among their teams.
The panel represents women industry leaders who will provide insights into the power of inclusivity, outstanding leadership, and business success. Panelists include Brenda Azua, chief Americas officer at Green Motion International & U-Save International, and Kate Muhwati, Priceline’s director of rental car supply. The seminar will be moderated by Liza Lazard, professor and psychologist at The Open University.
The International Car Rental Show will be held April 15-17, 2024, at Horseshoe Las Vegas. Registration is open, and early bird pricing ends March 15.
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