Courtesy of Enterprise Holdings

Courtesy of Enterprise Holdings

Enterprise Holdings has been inducted into the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP).

The Department of Defense program addresses unemployment of military spouses by connecting them with more than 335 partner employers committed to recruiting, hiring, promoting, and retaining military spouses.

Through the partnership, Enterprise will receive monthly program updates and guidance for promoting portable careers and employment opportunities through the MSEP Career Portal. Enterprise Holdings will use the portal to advertise its hiring initiatives and report on military spouse hiring successes and networking opportunities, according to the company.

Military spouses face unemployment rates of approximately 18% compared to the 5% national average, according to 2016 data from Blue Star Families (BSF). In addition, they are six times more likely to earn salaries below their education and experience level.

Since the program’s inception in 2011, more than 5 million jobs have been posted on the MSEP Career Portal, and the more-than-300 partner employers have hired more than 100,000 military spouses into a variety of industries.

“Supporting veterans, members of the guard and reserve, and members of the military and their families is part of our DNA,” said Pam Webster, assistant vice president of talent acquisition at Enterprise Holdings. “Our commitment to hire military spouses is another way for Enterprise Holdings to demonstrate its commitment to military families and builds upon our company’s rich history of military support.”