Matthew Daus saw it coming.

Matthew W. Daus is partner & chair, Transportation Practice Group at Windels Marx Lane &...

Matthew W. Daus is partner & chair, Transportation Practice Group at Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf. He's also the transportation technology chair and a distinguished lecturer at the City University of New York’s Transportation Research Center.

Photo courtesy of Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf.

As chairman of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) from 2001 to 2010, and then in his present position as partner and chair of the Transportation Practice Group at the law firm Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, Matthew Daus played a pivotal role in the regulation and evolution of transportation network companies (TNCs) in New York City.  

As part of his closing keynote address at the 2019 International Car Rental Show, Daus will share his insider’s perspective on how the taxi and limo industries, insurance carriers, and regulators responded and how the auto rental industry can learn from what worked and what didn’t.

Daus, who also adds transportation technology chair and distinguished lecturer at the City University of New York’s Transportation Research Center to his credentials, says bigger transformation lies ahead.

Daus will also provide his unique view of the new multi-modal, integrated, on-demand services coming online and how new entrants, legislation, and regulation could affect car rental.

“It wasn’t that long ago, but we’ll look back at the arrival of ride hailing as transformational,” said Chris Brown, conference chair and executive editor at Auto Rental News. “There are few people better qualified to give our attendees perspective on this disruptive yet transformational period — and tie it to the future of mobility — than Matt Daus.”

“The theme of this year’s ICRS is ‘Own the fleet, own the future,’” Brown continued. “We will explore how fleet owners — our attendees — can transform their businesses to meet the demands of tomorrow’s travelers.”

The 2019 International Car Rental Show convenes April 14-16 at Paris Las Vegas Hotel. Registration is open now. The full agenda is coming soon.

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