Avis Budget released Business Intelligence (BI), an online portal complete with rental summary dashboards, visualizations, and detailed reports that provides corporate travel managers with insight into their program’s performance.
The solution gives corporate customers direct access to more data than ever before, right at their fingertips. It offers an on-demand customer-facing portal with this caliber of data insights, including options to customize and schedule reports.
The interactive portal includes closed and open rental transactions, pending reservations, environmental sustainability, membership data, mobile app utilizations, and more. The portal offers a “Build Your Own” report capability to fully customize a report with KPIs that are unique to their individual business needs, such as the length of rental, upcoming reservations, and vehicle class reserved, driven, and charged.
Travel managers will have access to a full library of reports customizable by traveler and rental by rental, giving a clear understanding of rental behavior. This level of insight makes it easier for corporate travel managers to manage corporate travel expenses and traveler compliance. As a full self-service tool, customers can customize and schedule reports to be delivered weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly, saving valuable time and money previously spent on manually compiling reports of this nature.
BI is currently accessible to Avis, Budget, and Payless corporate accounts in North America with plans to expand to EMEA later this year. The portal is available in English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian and reflects 14 different currencies.
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