Jerry Crosby, a driver with Yellow Cab of Charleston, got the idea when Uber and Lyft starting...

Jerry Crosby, a driver with Yellow Cab of Charleston, got the idea when Uber and Lyft starting operating in his city a few years ago.

Photo via Marcin Monko/Flickr.

A cab driver in Charleston, N.C., is panning to launch his own version of a ride-hailing app this summer, The Post and Courier reports.

Jerry Crosby, a driver with Yellow Cab of Charleston, got the idea when Uber and Lyft starting operating in his city a few years ago. Since then, he says he's been watching and developing his own app to help regain business that the two San Francisco-based companies have taken from him.

Crosby told the news outlet that unlike Uber and Lyft, his app — Select — will not have surge pricing during busy hours. Instead, customers will be charged the standard cab fee of $2.50 per mile. User will also be able to go back and forth between taxi service and ride-hailing within the app.

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