According to Margin Fuel, overall rental rates for the rest of the year are variable.

According to Margin Fuel, overall rental rates for the rest of the year are variable. 

Photo via Depositphotos.

New Zealand car rental rates dropped on average from April to July, according to a new report by Margin Fuel. 

The report, generated by data collected from 13 individual car rental operators, focused on the most popular vehicle categories from New Zealand’s three major airports.

The April to July drop is consistent with yearly findings as the market prepared for the winter season. However, around mid July, rates began to rise as winter hit mid point, with all three locations experiencing a 5% increase.


Auckland Airport experienced an overall 2% year-over-year (YoY) increase. 

On, the average rate decrease 8%, while airport rentals and direct channels experienced a 3% and 13%, respectively. 

The average rate for three-day rental increased 9%, while the average rate for longer than seven days remained flat. Additionally, 14-day rentals decreased 2%. 

The average rate for SUVs in Auckland 1% YoY, with all other categories showing average rate increases of between 2% and +%

Overall, Christchurch Airport had a YoY average rate increase of 11%. sales channel experienced a 5% average rate decrease, while airport rentals and direct channels had increases of 14% and 19%, respectively. The average rate for a three-day rental increased 18%; the average rate for a seven-day-or-more rental increased 7%; Fourteen-day rental periods increased 4%. 

The average rate for SUVs increased 12%. All other categories increased between 6% and 21%.

The Queenstown Airport had a YoY average rate increase of 6%. 

Meanwhile had an average rate decrease of 6%, and airport and direct channels increased between 9% and 11%, respectively. For three-day rentals, there was an increase of 14%, while the average rate for longer than seven days increased 2%.

Fourteen-day rentals remained flat.

The average rate for SUVs increased 3%, and all other categories increased between 7% and 15%.


According to Margin Fuel, overall rental rates for the rest of the year are variable. 

So far, August rates are trending higher than previous years. However, there is a potential YoY “soft spot” between September and November.

About the author
Michaela Kwoka-Coleman

Michaela Kwoka-Coleman

Assistant Editor

Michaela Kwoka-Coleman is an assistant editor for Auto Rental News and Business Fleet magazine.

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