Uber had its license denied in November by TFL due, in part, to security breaches that could...

Uber had its license denied in November by TFL due, in part, to security breaches that could puts passengers at risk.

Photo via Uber. 

Transport for London (TFL) accused Uber of trying to cover up a glitch that allowed drivers to swap photos in the app, The Telegraph reports. The transportation authority also accused Uber of covering up a glitch that let drivers use fake identities and shared accounts. 

Uber had its license denied in November by TFL due, in part, to security breaches that could puts passengers at risk. Uber is currently in court appealing the decision and is operating in London under a license extension. 

During court hearings last week, it was noted that Uber received 27,799 complaints about safety in just the first six months of 2019.

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