Clients of Thrifty Car Rental now have a sustainable and environmentally friendly option when selecting a rental car for use at the Aukland and Christchurch airports, as new electric vehicles are now available.
Thrifty now offers the Hyundai IONIQ, with a 200km verified range and zero exhaust emissions, as a rental option. The vehicles are a five-door mid-sized hatch, and have an 88kWh motor and 28kWh battery.
According to Thrifty, an elecrtic vehicle typically costs about $10 per 100ks to charge. There are many charging stations available in both the Christchurch and Auckland central business districts. It takes approximately 30 minutes to fill the car to 80% capacity on a rapid charger (from empty) and payment is made easy by downloading an app or signing up to the Fast Charging Network.
Thrifty provides all customers with full instructions about topping up vehicles as well as details on location of charging stations.
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