Often used in dealerships to increase monthly sales volumes, an elevated auto display could be beneficial for increasing rentals at a car rental operation.
The 360 Auto Display USA “Car Spinner” is a platform that lifts a vehicle 10 feet in the air and rotates it. The Auto Spinner lifts 9,000 pounds and only takes up about one parking space, according to the company.
Additionally, it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to change out the car on the platform. The system operates 24 hours a day and runs off a common 20 amp, 110-volt grounded circuit, according to the company.
While rotating 10-feet high, the revolving platform also features automatic lights that illuminate the vehicle at night.
“I can’t tell you how many times someone says, ‘I want a car like the one on the spinner,’” said Larry Crawford, sales manager for AutoNation Mazda in Fort Worth, Texas.
By leasing the auto display on a monthly basis, the lift is delivered and maintained by the provider for as long as the car rental company wants it, according to the company.
For more information, visit www.360autodisplayusa.com.
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