At last year's Legislative Conference, “West” delegation visited the offices of former U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) (right of flag). Chaffetz explained the importance of face-to-face interaction to understand the issues.

At last year's Legislative Conference, “West” delegation visited the offices of former U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) (right of flag). Chaffetz explained the importance of face-to-face interaction to understand the issues.

Car rental taxes to build stadiums and convention centers …  the future of the car rental industry in the age of autonomous vehicles and private vehicle rentals … federal tax reform that directly impacts car rental companies … forced partnerships or franchises with minority- and women-owned companies to do business at airports …

These are the primary issues currently being debated on Capitol Hill that directly impact your rental car company.

Are you going to sit idly by and let legislators in the House and Senate — and organized competitors who are already lobbying in D.C. — enact legislation that could impact your company for decades to come? Or are you going to take two days out of your schedule to join your fellow car rental company executives in Washington, D.C., to protect your interests and to promote the future success of your company?

The American Car Rental Association (ACRA)’s fourth annual D.C. Legislative Conference will be taking place from Sept. 11 to Sept. 13. Issues being debated on Capitol Hill in 2017, include car rental excise taxes, autonomous vehicles, DBE airport concession programs, and federal tax reform, which can impact your company’s bottom line and its future liability.

Five years from now, don’t look back and say, “Wow, if only I had listened to ACRA and gone to D.C. in 2017, this could all have been different.” Grab your future by the throat and book your flight and hotel today to join ACRA in D.C. in September. There is no registration fee for the conference; ACRA is asking only for your time to defend your interests on Capitol Hill.

On Monday Sept. 11, there will be an informal dinner. On Tuesday the 12th, there will be an ACRA Board of Director’s meeting (open to all attendees) and a general session in the afternoon with speakers from Capitol Hill, federal agencies that regulate rental companies’ operations, and ACRA vendors. That evening, you will have the opportunity to attend a Washington Nationals baseball game, sponsored by RecallMasters and Purco Fleet Services.

On Wednesday the 13th, participants will attend a breakfast briefing meeting to better prepare for meetings with legislators and staff that morning and afternoon. Each attendee will be accompanied by a professional lobbyist for guidance around Capitol Hill and assistance with meetings with legislators and staff.

Make no mistake, there are issues actively being debated on Capitol Hill in 2017 that will impact the car rental industry as a whole, and your company individually, for decades. Your voice — as well as those of your fellow executives at small, medium, and large companies in the industry — needs to be heard to achieve a positive result from these debates.

Don’t delay. Register now, book your flight, and reserve your hotel room (ACRA’s room block expires on 8/11).