DAMAGE iD and ProofTec announced a new partnership to use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect damage on vehicles.
"ProofTec combines these advances [in vision AI] with intimate knowledge of the mobility industry to translate the technology to practical applications," said Dr. Jeroen Vendrig, co-founder/CTO. "With real-time detection of small damages on a car, and by correlating images taken at different times under varying circumstances, we have stretched the state of the art in this field."
DAMAGE iD previously used human intelligence and vision, but the company says by using AI, they will take human error out of the equation.
"We fully embrace DAMAGE iD's motto to 'never miss damage again," said ProofTec’s CEO and Co-Founder Danny Cohen. "By working with DAMAGE iD, more mobility companies will have the opportunity to use ProofTec's AI for intelligent asset management. With indisputable evidence in hand, DAMAGEiD's customers can now close transactions faster, more transparently, and without stress."
ProofTec's solution is cloud-based, which gives customers the ability to automatically compare, check-out, and check-in images with existing consumer-grade mobile devices without the need for hardware upgrades.
Photos taken by customers are saved and maintained by DAMAGEiD. ProofTec will scan vehicle photos for damages and return its findings, while protecting customer data and speeding up the process. ProofTec's AI damage circles, as marked in photos, along with manual circles, can be viewed in the web portal. Customers also receive an email notification when the AI detects damages in a case automatically.
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