Record360, which provides a mobile-based online inspection platform, has announced an expansion of its product portfolio with the launch of SalesPro. Additionally, Abby Chao has been appointed as the company’s new chief executive officer.
SalesPro provides software tools and workflows that enable construction firms, dealerships, vehicle rental fleets, and other commercial equipment owners to identify assets for sale, determine their condition, price them appropriately, and respond to interest from potential buyers. The mobile-friendly platform allows sales reps to market equipment directly by text or email or on social media platforms, according to the company.
“Selling a piece of used equipment, whether it’s a rental car or truck, a tractor, Bobcat loader, crane, backhoe, or other industrial equipment asset, is a painfully manual process nowadays,” said Chao, who previously co-founded a financial technology company that helps families save money for college and served as a management consultant. “It’s difficult to know with any degree of reliability what’s available and what shape the asset is in. It’s even more tedious and cumbersome to create an effective listing and then market it to the right person at the right time over the proper channels.”
SalesPro was designed to streamline and automate that process, providing sales reps with management tools, the ability to access up-to-date images, and time-saving workflows to identify when used equipment is available for sale. They can also determine pricing and create and distribute a real-time listing to interested buyers, according to Kat Gillis, Record360’s chief operating officer.
“With SalesPro, a rep can efficiently identify a piece of equipment for sale, select the most appropriate photos or videos, attach those to a detailed listing, and then easily share listings to hot leads across multiple channels — all in less than a minute,” said Gillis.
Additionally, SalesPro is integrated with and utilizes the real-time library of equipment images contained in the InspectPro database, which catalogs the condition of the asset and a history of usage data over its lifecycle.
For rental equipment agencies, the platform also brings together what were formerly siloed operations – with rental managers on one side of the house and sales reps on the other. “We are sharing access and strategic intelligence about equipment available for sale and providing a collaborative process that improves communication between rental and sales, ultimately helping asset utilization and increasing revenue,” said Gillis.
“We are excited to introduce this new product to the market and extend the opportunity for Record360 to bring significantly more value and cost savings to our customers,” said Chao.
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