Amazon customers who book an Avis vehicle can save money on their rental and receive an...

Amazon customers who book an Avis vehicle can save money on their rental and receive an gift card valued at 10% of their rental price.

Photo via Andres/Pexels. 

Avis Budget Group introduced plans to reward Amazon customers with special perks when they rent a car through Avis. Beginning today, Amazon customers who book an Avis vehicle can save money on their rental and receive an gift card valued at 10% of their rental price.

Later this month, those who book an Avis vehicle using the Avis skill for Amazon Alexa will receive an gift card valued at 20%.

"Amazon customers are accustomed to convenient and on-demand services, and Avis Budget Group is pleased to be able to add transportation to the mix," Beth Kinerk, senior vice president of sales at Avis Budget Group, said in a statement. "As digital technology evolves we are able to offer increasingly seamless travel experiences for our customers, and hope these great incentives encourage more people to try our new offerings, including our Amazon Alexa booking tool. We are excited to work with Amazon to offer their customers a valuable benefit when they rent with Avis."

This offering builds upon a relationship between the two companies that dates back to 2017 when Avis launched a skill for Amazon Alexa. The skill enables Avis customers to make a car rental reservation, review current or past reservations and request an e-receipt of their last rental.

Travelers have instant, voice-controlled access to the car rental booking process with such commands as, "I need a car at La Guardia Airport at 9:00 a.m. this Friday."

Gift card value is based on a rental's time and mileage. Applicable to Avis rentals in the United States, with the expectation to launch in other key markets.

Related: Avis to Launch Voice-Powered Reservations With Amazon Alexa


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