Indian ride-hailing company Ola announced Monday its partnership with India’s Chennai International Airport to set up exclusive Ola zones and kiosks.
The service will allow travelers to book cabs with the help of Ola representatives at kiosks located outside of arrival terminals, enabling a convenient booking experience without the use of a smartphone or the Ola app.
Additionally, Ola Zones — dedicated lane and parking for cabs — will be set up to minimize any parking and traffic issues at terminals, while also reducing passengers’ expected time of arrival.
“We are honored to be chosen as the exclusive partners in the ridesharing space at the Chennai International Airport, and assure a hassle free mobility experience for millions of passengers,” Vishnu Bommareddy, Regional Head of South at Ola, said in a statement. “This partnership is sure to add convenience, accessibility and reliability to the lives of millions of passengers moving in and out of the city.”
Ola’s partnership with Chennai International Airport is an extension of its recent deal with the Airport Authority of India, which includes the addition of kiosks at four other airport locations: Kolkata, Pune, Lucknow, and Bhubaneswar.
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