In San Francisco, National’s sponsorship will include signage visible on the Giants’ new...

In San Francisco, National’s sponsorship will include signage visible on the Giants’ new batter’s box LED sign.

Photo via Bspangenberg/Wikimedia. 

National Car Rental is now the official car rental partner of the San Francisco Giants and Chicago Cubs.

The Giants and Cubs join eight other Major League Baseball teams that have official designations with the car rental brand, including the Boston Red Sox, Houston Astros, Kansas City Royals, Anaheim Angels, New York Mets, St. Louis Cardinals, Texas Rangers, and Washington Nationals.

National and the Giants organization have agreed to a three-year agreement that runs through 2021. The partnership with the Cubs organization spans five years, running through 2023.

This season, baseball fans will see a National Car Rental sign in the outfield at both Oracle Park in San Francisco and Wrigley Field in Chicago.

As part of its Chicago partnership, National will be the presenting sponsor of “Cubs Stolen Bases” replays. In San Francisco, National’s sponsorship will include signage visible on the Giants’ new batter’s box LED sign.

Off the field, sponsorship elements will be accompanied by multiple digital and social assets for both organizations. The Cubs partnership includes a takeover of the Cubs Destinations homepage, a unique travel digital content series, and a dedicated email to subscribers. The Giants partnership includes a Facebook and Twitter social content series and a dedicated email to subscribers.

National Car Rental will also extend specially priced car rental rates to both organizations — which includes Giants and Cubs players, staff, and coaches — as well as access to National Car Rental’s Emerald Club. Emerald Club members have access to the Emerald Aisle — an exclusive section of the lot where members can select any vehicle as long as they reserve a mid-sized car — at 63 locations in the U.S. and Canada, including the top 50 airports for business travel.

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