The Indianapolis International Airport has been named by Travel and Leisure magazine as the best...

The Indianapolis International Airport has been named by Travel and Leisure magazine as the best airport seven years in a row. 

Photo via Depositphotos.

Sixt and Tom Wood Automotive Group has moved their franchised Indianapolis branch into the Indianapolis International Airport. The recent move on airport is one of many for Sixt’s off airport facilities.

As an important airport for Sixt, the Indianapolis International Airport branch promises stronger brand presence for incoming travelers and is now easy walking distance from the terminals. With three rental counters and a wide array of cars, Sixt is striving to give its customers premium service every time they rent.

The Indianapolis International Airport has been named by Travel and Leisure magazine as the best airport seven years in a row. 

Sixt USA has continued to expand operations with over 1,000 employees serving more than 60 rental locations in California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Washington, Texas, Connecticut, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, New York, Colorado, and Massachusetts.

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